NewsEye User Workshop: April 2021

Online Event, 13th April 2021

13th April 2021 9:30-17:00

About Us

NewsEye, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, is a research project advancing the state of the art and introducing new concepts, methods and tools for Digital Humanities by providing enhanced access to historical newspapers for a wide range of users. Our tools have been developed to improve users’ capabilities to access, analyse and use the content in the digital libraries of historical newspapers.

Join In!

The 2021 NewsEye User Workshop, taking place as an online event on 13 April and coordinated by the Austrian National Library, is designed to include and interact with you, as a cross section of our target users, in using some of the key outputs and tools of the NewsEye project. The project consortium members, who have been developing these tools since 2018, will firstly present the internal workings of the project, its workflow and the different components. We will also hear from representatives from the NewsEye Digital Humanities teams of the University of Innsbruck and Montpellier groups on their case studies on Migration and Gender to add some context and content to the hands-on sessions with the tools themselves.

Tools to be used: what will we be working with?

During the workshop on 13 April afternoon, we will showcase the NewsEye Demonstrator which contains multiple outputs of the NewsEye project (article separation, named entity recognition and a personal research assistant, to name a few) and explore the tools therein in a series of set tasks from the NewsEye project teams from both the Digital Humanities and Computer Science fields!

Tasks: what can we expect to do?

Three areas of tasks and demos from practical to more analytical, as well as how to use other developed tools, will be offered:

1. Building a dataset using the NewsEye Demonstrator - creating, searching and adding documents to a dataset

2. Analysing your dataset using Personal Research Assistant - dataset investigation using a variety of tools and interpretation of the outcomes

3. Exporting the dataset and usage of external tools - how outputs from research within the NewsEye Demonstrator can be used with other visualisation or analytical tools

We look forward to welcoming you to our Workshop!


To register click here

Please note that the Introductory sessions and presentations on the workflow of the project are are open to all and take place in the morning of 13th April, registration for this sessions is automatically allocated.

Spaces for the hands-on workshop afternoon session on 13 April are limited capacity and will be allocated by selection after you pre-register using the link above.


Tuesday 13 April - Morning session

Location: Online

(Time: All times are CET - Vienna time)


9:30 - Welcome - Max Kaiser (Austrian National Library)

9:40 - Introduction NewsEye Project Overview - Antoine Doucet (Project Coordinator, University of La Rochelle)

Brief introductions on NewsEye outputs and workflows - ‘what goes into the platform/what lies beneath?’

10:00: Data Models, Data Collection and preservation, Data Generation - Günter Hackl (University of Innsbruck)

10:15 Article Separation - Roger Labahn (University of Rostock)

10:30 NER-NEL-stance and Event Detection - Antoine Doucet (University of La Rochelle)

10:45 Analysis of content in a given context, comparative analysis of content in a given context, intelligible representation of statistical analysis - Elaine Zosa (University of Helsinki)


(11:00 - 11:15 Break)


(continued) workflow + introductions to the NewsEye Platform

11:15 Personal Research Assistant and its three components: Investigator, Reporter, Explainer - Lidia Pivovarova and Leo Leppänen (University of Helsinki)

11:35 NewsEye Demonstrator - ‘one comprehensive platform’ - Axel Jean-Caurant (University of La Rochelle)

12:20 Case Studies and Content - ‘the meat to the bones’ - examples of work being done and how the Demonstrator has been used with Digital Humanities case studies to date and usage of external tools. Two examples on Migration by Dr. Sarah Oberbichler (University of Innsbruck) and Gender by Nejma Omari (University Paul Valery Montpellier III)


(12:45 - 13:45 Lunch Break)


Tuesday 13 April - Afternoon session

13:45 - 16:30 Hands-on Workshop - using the tools!

Location: Online

(Time: All times are CET - Vienna time)

(limited capacity, pre registration only!)


Tasks and demos will include:

1. Building a dataset using the NewsEye Demonstrator – searching, refining and adding documents on the topic of ‘Spanish Flu’ to a dataset.

2. Running automated experiments (Personal Research Assistant)

3. Exporting the dataset and usage of external tools - how outputs from research within the Demonstrator can be used with other visualisation or analytical tools.


16:45 - 17:00 Round-Up Session


17:00 Close