The Austrian National Library (ONB) is the central academic library of the Republic of Austria with a history dating back to the 14th century.
With AustriaN Newspapers Online (ANNO), ONB digitizes the majority of its historical newspapers and journals holding making its corpus a great test bed for the NewsEye project. Today nearly 20 million pages have been transformed into digital facsimiles. This material is already available online for viewing and searching to researchers and users. With its extent and temporal as well as geographical spread, it can serve as a perfect basis for quantitative analysis of image and text data in the humanities. As such, it will build the foundation for the material required for the analysis tools in NewsEye.
ONB is also leader of work package 7 (WP7) on communications dissemination and exploitation of the NewsEye project and its results.
Max Kaiser has worked for the Austrian National Library (ÖNB) since 2000 and has been Coordinator for R&D Projects since 2004. He has many years of international experience in the field of digital library, digital preservation and digitization research. Currently he is responsible for implementing the ONB’s digital humanities and crowdsourcing strategies.
Tonica Hunter is a communications expert working on the NewsEye project since June 2018, with a focus on communication strategy and implementation and project result dissemination. Born in London, Tonica studied French and German Language and Literature as an undergraduate at Warwick University and then went on to specialise in Migration Studies at the University of Oxford. Her master theseis was a critical discourse analysis of newspapers on depictions of ethnic rioting in the cities of London (2011) and Paris (2005) comparatively. With academic and professional backgrounds in international affairs as well as roles in communications and event management, Tonica's professional experience has straddled both the private and public sectors and covers a plethora of communication work and now focusses on the research outputs and tool development results of the NewsEye projects.